Adblock Plugin improvements, part III

Jonathan Marten jjm2 at
Fri Oct 30 12:44:08 GMT 2009

Getting round to working on this again after a long break... but the
good news is that the filter lookup is now in KHTML, so the blockable
elements list can show which filter caused an element to get blocked
in a tooltip.  I'll commit the adblock support for that very soon.

The patch below is some polishing of Konqueror's adblock filter
dialogue, to address bug 189563.  The button enable/disable states and
the default button are set in accordance with the selected filter and
the text in the edit box, so two common actions can be done as would
be expected with the keyboard:

(a) select a filter in the list, edit it, press RETURN -> filter is
updated and dialogue stays open.

(b) type a new filter, press RETURN -> new filter is added and
dialogue stays open.

There is also additional information on the import/export format, and
the filter syntax - shown as popup tooltips so as not to clutter the

Any comments?  I'd like to commit this, if possible, before the 4.4
soft feature freeze next week (it could be argued it's not really a
"feature", since it is addressing a bug...).


Index: kdebase/apps/konqueror/settings/konqhtml/filteropts.h
--- kdebase/apps/konqueror/settings/konqhtml/filteropts.h	(revision 1040936)
+++ kdebase/apps/konqueror/settings/konqhtml/filteropts.h	(working copy)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 #include <ksharedconfig.h>
 class KListWidget;
-class QPushButton;
+class KPushButton;
 class QLineEdit;
 class QCheckBox;
 class KListWidgetSearchLine;
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
     void slotItemSelected();
     void slotEnableChecked();
     void slotKillChecked();
+    void slotInfoLinkActivated(const QString &url);
     void exportFilters();
     void importFilters();
@@ -59,15 +60,16 @@
     QLineEdit *mString;
     QCheckBox *mEnableCheck;
     QCheckBox *mKillCheck;
-    QPushButton *mInsertButton;
-    QPushButton *mUpdateButton;
-    QPushButton *mRemoveButton;
-    QPushButton *mImportButton;
-    QPushButton *mExportButton;
+    KPushButton *mInsertButton;
+    KPushButton *mUpdateButton;
+    KPushButton *mRemoveButton;
+    KPushButton *mImportButton;
+    KPushButton *mExportButton;
     KSharedConfig::Ptr mConfig;
     QString mGroupname;
     int mSelCount;
+    QString mOriginalString;
Index: kdebase/apps/konqueror/settings/konqhtml/filteropts.cpp
--- kdebase/apps/konqueror/settings/konqhtml/filteropts.cpp	(revision 1040936)
+++ kdebase/apps/konqueror/settings/konqhtml/filteropts.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 #include <QtGui/QCheckBox>
 #include <QtGui/QLabel>
 #include <QtGui/QLayout>
-#include <QtGui/QPushButton>
 #include <QtGui/QGroupBox>
+#include <QtGui/QWhatsThis>
 // KDE
 #include <kaboutdata.h>
@@ -41,13 +41,15 @@
 #include <KListWidget>
 #include <klistwidgetsearchline.h>
 #include <klineedit.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
 KCMFilter::KCMFilter( QWidget *parent, const QVariantList& )
     : KCModule( KcmKonqHtmlFactory::componentData(), parent ),
       mGroupname( "Filter Settings" ),
-      mSelCount(0)
+      mSelCount(0),
+      mOriginalString(QString())
     mConfig = KSharedConfig::openConfig("khtmlrc", KConfig::NoGlobals);
@@ -65,16 +67,30 @@
     QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout;
     mListBox = new KListWidget;
+    // If the filter list were sensitive to ordering, then we would need to
+    // preserve the order of items inserted or arranged by the user (and the
+    // GUI would need "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons to reorder the filters).
+    // However, now the filters are applied in an unpredicatble order because
+    // of the new hashed matching algorithm.  So the list can stay sorted.
     mListBox->setSortingEnabled( true );
-    mSearchLine = new KListWidgetSearchLine( this, mListBox );
-    vbox->addWidget( mSearchLine );
+    KHBox *searchBox = new KHBox;
+    searchBox->setSpacing( -1 );
+    new QLabel( i18n("Search:"), searchBox ) ;
+    mSearchLine = new KListWidgetSearchLine( searchBox, mListBox );
+    vbox->addWidget( searchBox );
-    vbox->addWidget(new QLabel( i18n("Expression (e.g.*):")));
+    QLabel *exprLabel = new QLabel( i18n("<qt>Filter expression (e.g. <tt>*</tt>, <a href=\"filterhelp\">more information</a>):"), this );
+    connect( exprLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(const QString &)), SLOT(slotInfoLinkActivated(const QString &)) );
+    vbox->addWidget(exprLabel);
     mString = new KLineEdit;
@@ -82,18 +98,26 @@
-    mInsertButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Insert"), buttonBox );
+    mInsertButton = new KPushButton( KIcon("list-add"), i18n("Insert"), buttonBox );
     connect( mInsertButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( insertFilter() ) );
-    mUpdateButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Update"), buttonBox );
+    mUpdateButton = new KPushButton( KIcon("document-edit"), i18n("Update"), buttonBox );
     connect( mUpdateButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( updateFilter() ) );
-    mRemoveButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Remove"), buttonBox );
+    mRemoveButton = new KPushButton( KIcon("list-remove"), i18n("Remove"), buttonBox );
     connect( mRemoveButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( removeFilter() ) );
-    mImportButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Import..."),buttonBox);
+    mImportButton = new KPushButton( KIcon("document-import"), i18n("Import..."),buttonBox);
     connect( mImportButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( importFilters() ) );
-    mExportButton = new QPushButton(i18n("Export..."),buttonBox);
+    mExportButton = new KPushButton( KIcon("document-export"), i18n("Export..."),buttonBox);
     connect( mExportButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( exportFilters() ) );
+    KHBox *impexpBox = new KHBox;
+    QLabel *impexpLabel = new QLabel( i18n("<qt>More information on "
+                                               "<a href=\"importhelp\">import format</a>, "
+                                               "<a href=\"exporthelp\">export format</a>"), impexpBox );
+    connect( impexpLabel, SIGNAL(linkActivated(const QString &)), SLOT(slotInfoLinkActivated(const QString &)) );
+    vbox->addWidget(impexpBox,0,Qt::AlignRight);
     connect( mEnableCheck, SIGNAL( toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( slotEnableChecked()));
     connect( mKillCheck, SIGNAL( clicked()), this, SLOT( slotKillChecked()));
     connect( mListBox, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()),this, SLOT(slotItemSelected()));
@@ -101,24 +125,45 @@
  * Whats this items
-    mEnableCheck->setWhatsThis( i18n("Enable or disable AdBlocK filters. When enabled a set of expressions "
-                                        "to be blocked should be defined in the filter list for blocking to "
-                                        "take effect."));
-    mKillCheck->setWhatsThis( i18n("When enabled blocked images will be removed from the page completely "
-                                      "otherwise a placeholder 'blocked' image will be used."));
-    mListBox->setWhatsThis( i18n("This is the list of URL filters that will be applied to all linked "
-                                    "images and frames. The filters are processed in order so place "
-                                    "more generic filters towards the top of the list."));
-    mString->setWhatsThis( i18n("Enter an expression to filter. Expressions can be defined as either "
-                                   "a filename style wildcard e.g.* or as a full "
-                                   "regular expression by surrounding the string with '/' e.g. "
-                                   " //(ad|banner)\\./"));
+    mEnableCheck->setWhatsThis( i18n("Enable or disable AdBlocK filters. When enabled, a set of URL expressions "
+                                     "should be defined in the filter list for blocking to take effect."));
+    mKillCheck->setWhatsThis( i18n("When enabled blocked images will be removed from the page completely, "
+                                   "otherwise a placeholder 'blocked' image will be used."));
+    // The list is no longer sensitive to order, because of the new hashed
+    // matching.  So this tooltip doesn't imply that.
+    //
+    // FIXME: blocking of frames is not currently implemented by KHTML
+    mListBox->setWhatsThis( i18n("This is the list of URL filters that will be applied to all embedded "
+                                 "images and media objects.") );
+    //                              "images, objects and frames.") );
+    mString->setWhatsThis( i18n("<qt><p>Enter an expression to filter. Filters can be defined as either:"
+                                "<ul><li>a shell-style wildcard, e.g. <tt>*</tt>, the wildcards <tt>*?[]</tt> may be used</li>"
+                                "<li>a full regular expression by surrounding the string with '<tt>/</tt>', e.g. <tt>/\\/(ad|banner)\\./</tt></li></ul>"
+                                "<p>Any filter string can be preceded by '<tt>@@</tt>' to whitelist (allow) any matching URL, "
+                                "which takes priority over any blacklist (blocking) filter."));
+void KCMFilter::slotInfoLinkActivated(const QString &url)
+    if ( url == "filterhelp" )
+        QWhatsThis::showText( QCursor::pos(), mString->whatsThis() );
+    else if ( url == "importhelp" )
+        QWhatsThis::showText( QCursor::pos(), i18n("<qt><p>The filter import format is a plain text file. "
+                                                   "Blank lines, comment lines starting with '<tt>!</tt>' "
+                                                   "and the header line <tt>[AdBlock]</tt> are ignored. "
+                                                   "Any other line is added as a filter expression.") );
+    else if ( url == "exporthelp" )
+        QWhatsThis::showText( QCursor::pos(), i18n("<qt><p>The filter export format is a plain text file. "
+                                                   "The file begins with a header line <tt>[AdBlock]</tt>, then all of "
+                                                   "the filters follow each on a separate line.") );
 void KCMFilter::slotKillChecked()
     emit changed( true );
@@ -145,7 +190,9 @@
     if ( currentId >= 0 )
-        mString->setText(mListBox->item(currentId)->text());
+        mOriginalString = mListBox->item(currentId)->text();
+        mString->setText(mOriginalString);
+        mString->setFocus(Qt::OtherFocusReason);
@@ -154,15 +201,28 @@
     bool state = mEnableCheck->isChecked();
     bool expressionIsNotEmpty = !mString->text().isEmpty();
-    mUpdateButton->setEnabled(state && (mSelCount == 1) && expressionIsNotEmpty );
+    bool filterEdited = expressionIsNotEmpty && mOriginalString!=mString->text();
+    mInsertButton->setEnabled(state && expressionIsNotEmpty && filterEdited );
+    mUpdateButton->setEnabled(state && (mSelCount == 1) && expressionIsNotEmpty && filterEdited );
     mRemoveButton->setEnabled(state && (mSelCount > 0));
-    mInsertButton->setEnabled(state && expressionIsNotEmpty);
     mExportButton->setEnabled(state && mListBox->count()>0);
+    if (filterEdited)
+    {
+        if (mSelCount==1 && mUpdateButton->isEnabled()) mUpdateButton->setDefault(true);
+        else if (mInsertButton->isEnabled()) mInsertButton->setDefault(true);
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        mInsertButton->setDefault(false);
+        mUpdateButton->setDefault(false);
+    }
 void KCMFilter::importFilters()
@@ -179,7 +239,7 @@
             while (!ts.atEnd())
                 line = ts.readLine();
-                if (line.toLower().compare("[adblock]") == 0 || line.isEmpty())
+                if (line.isEmpty() ||"[adblock]", Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
                 // Treat leading ! as filter comment, otherwise check expressions
@@ -295,13 +355,26 @@
 void KCMFilter::insertFilter()
-    if ( !mString->text().isEmpty() && mListBox->findItems (mString->text(),Qt::MatchCaseSensitive|Qt::MatchExactly).isEmpty() )
+    QString newFilter = mString->text();
+    if ( !newFilter.isEmpty() && mListBox->findItems( newFilter, Qt::MatchCaseSensitive|Qt::MatchExactly ).isEmpty() )
-        mListBox->addItem( mString->text() );
-        int id=mListBox->count()-1;
-        mListBox->item(id)->setSelected(true);
-        mListBox->setCurrentRow(id);
+        mListBox->addItem( newFilter );
+        // The next line assumed that the new item would be added at the end
+        // of the list, but that may not be the case if sorting is enabled.
+        // So we search again to locate the just-added item.
+        //int id = mListBox->count()-1;
+        QListWidgetItem *newItem = mListBox->findItems( newFilter, Qt::MatchCaseSensitive|Qt::MatchExactly ).first();
+        if (newItem != 0 )
+        {
+            int id = mListBox->row(newItem);
+            mListBox->item(id)->setSelected(true);
+            mListBox->setCurrentRow(id);
+        }
         emit changed( true );

Jonathan Marten               
Twickenham, UK                          jjm2 at

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