Favourites -- does Konqueror do such a list?

Sebastian Sauer mail at dipe.org
Sat Jan 24 05:01:16 GMT 2009

Hi Steve,

sorry for the long time till the reply. probably ask next time at the 
https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde mailinglist where more ppl hang 
around that may reply faster with a...

Steve Smoult wrote:
> A friend of mine reckons that I should use Konqueror for file
> management and web-browsing.  I have indeed lots of crashes with
> Firefox but this program has the advantage of creating a list of
> web-sites, ie my favourites.  And saves it in my home directory.  Does
> Konqueror do this too?

for sure. The file is named bookmarks.xml (favorites are also named 
bookmarks). You are also able to choose from the menu Bookmarks=>Edit 
Bookmarks to open the bookmark-manager and export via File=>Export to 
different formats like e.g. also firefox/mozilla bookmarks, Opera bookmarks, 
Internet Explorer bookmarks or just plain HTML bookmarks. With File=>Save you 
are also able to save it direct as e.g. "mybookmarksbackup.xml" file in your 

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