Howto logout from basic HTTP Authentication

David Faure faure at
Thu Dec 24 22:40:46 GMT 2009

On Sunday 29 November 2009, Matthias Meyer wrote:
> How the solution work for Mozilla/Firefox?
> The User "logout" is not within my /etc/backuppc/htpasswd. Therefore
>  Mozilla will get a 401 and the browser will ask for username/password if
>  the page will be accessed again.

This sounds strange; why should the unauthorized ".logout_mozilla" file make 
the browser forget the authorization for the current page?

The website says "xmlhttp.abort() aborts the sending request, but the browser 
did not get the response. Thus, keeps wrong credentials on cache 
window.redirect". Sounds very fragile and implementation dependent to me...
As far as I can see in kio_http, it only saves successful credentials, not 
non-working ones, which, well, seems quite sensible in general ;-)

> Unfortunately that do not work for Mozilla/Konqueror.
> Any hint how to get Konqueror to forgot his credentials?

I can't think of a way with the current code. It says that only expiry or 
closing the window (or a DBUS call, not available to webpages) can lead to an 
authentication being removed from kpasswdserver. Ah, well, your trick is to 
add a wrong auth, not to remove the auth, but still 

Maybe this is something that should be added to a W3C standard? Rigo? ;)

David Faure, faure at,
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. Konqueror (

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