State of the new SVG-stuff

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Oct 21 11:52:43 BST 2008


I'm wondering what the state and the plans for KDE 4.2 are for the new
SVG-Stuff? In particular I'm seeing quite some functions with return-values
that don't return anything (causing compile errors on windows, as MSVC is
stricter here than gcc). 

The code in question is in SVGStyledElement.cpp, SVGSVGElement.cpp and
Color.cpp and possibly more files (I stopped compiling khtml now). This is
rather alarming IMHO, as this creates possible hard-to-debug

I just saw one such case where I don't know how to construct a "default"
return value. So for now I'll have to disable khtml on win32, hopefully you
can fix this until the beta as else kde4.2/win32 will have to ship without
khtml I guess.


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