css doesn't work correctly on FocusOut event

Maksim Orlovich mo85 at cornell.edu
Tue Mar 25 17:33:29 GMT 2008

> at least that specific testcase seem to work fine for me? (I.e. the text
> goes
> green when focused - though admittedly this is not very visible because my
> french spellchecker almost instantly turns everything back to red :)

Here, and from our IRC conversation, for Slava, it seems like the text
color is simply messed up when the focus enters the textarea. In the
following (which should hopefully work in .fr, too :-) ):
<style type="text/css">
    textarea {
	color: green;

    textarea:focus {
	border: 3px solid red;



The colors are green initially, and become black permanently after one
clicks in an area. The border changes just fine, however. Could be
spell-checking acting up, but can't be sure.

> But I'm not sure I remember where the change in style is really handled on
> focus out. I think it's probably  when the new DOM focus node is set
> (DocumentImpl::setFocusNode) that the style gets recalculated (and thus
> RenderWidget::setStyle is called).. but I'm not sure where the widget's
> node
> is marked as changed in this process *shrug*


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