konqueror information screen mockup

Lee Olson leetolson at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 06:14:42 BST 2007


Attached is a revised version of my konqueror information screen mockup.  
Please let me know your thoughts and suggestions so that I may prepare it for 
the .png extraction process.

(Please note that the icons in the center are simply placeholders, so they may 
not be the correct icons used, nor are they perfect.)


>On Saturday 15 September 2007 12'26:19 pm you wrote:
> Hi,
> Just in case you didn't receive my message on irc, I'm pasting it here:
> Some suggestions:
> 1. center aligning the heading while left aligning the logo feels
> unbalanced. put the logo under/over the heading.
> 2. the gloss on the map is only in the center -- unnatural. it should span
> the whole width (not with tiling, of course).
> 3. the gloss fades upwards, which implies the lightsource is beneath the
> viewer's altitude. but the user is sitting on a chair, so that's not really
> a good assumption. make it fade downwards.
> 4. The border of the map is high-saturated dark blue, which looks really
> 1995 on a similarly blue background. Try something low-saturated or
> grayscale, like translucent black or lightgrey (have a look at the current
> plasma applets for a good starting point).
> 5. The map is too plain, add a subtle pattern there -- maybe fading
> scanlines for the foreground.
> 6. the "conquer your desktop" feels too disconnected from the "Konqueror" -
> try without the rounded background, instead separating it with something
> line-ish
> 7. move the big wave thing down a bit
> 8. the map is restricted to the center too. you could scale it up a lot,
> then crop it to fit the box. Will leave out greenland and australia but oh
> well :)
> Cheers,
> Stefan.

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