Need help for a konqueror plugin - Refresh content & javascript intereception

Richard Moore richmoore44 at
Fri May 11 10:08:36 BST 2007

On 5/5/07, Mathieu Ducharme <ducharme.mathieu at> wrote:
> 2. Is it possible to "intercept" javascript functions inside my plugins. For
> example, GreaseMonkey provides a GM_registerMenuCommand() function that
> allows userscripts (javascript) to add items to the menu. Basically I would
> like to call C++ code (from the plugin) from javascript. This might be
> impossible, this might be trivial, I would just like some pointer to know
> where to start.

Take a look at kjsembed, in KDE 4 it's in kdelibs/kjsembed.



> I tried looking at the existing plugins but I couldn't find any that
> implements this kind of feature... This would also be needed I guess if
> someone would ever want to implement a firebug debugging console for konq...
> [1] More information:

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