Dolphin with tabs

David Faure faure at
Fri Jul 6 17:32:27 BST 2007

On Friday 06 July 2007, K N wrote:
> Is konqueror going to implement the bread crumb feature and tagging system?

Bread crumb: is this really a feature power-users want? Most people I talk to, don't want it :-)
But I'm open to requests.

Tagging system: yes, it sounds like we should probably have it in konqueror too, once
it works in dolphin :) Your previous email made me realize that.
Isn't this nice? I get konqueror features almost for free by just wrapping dolphin's code
where all the hard work goes :-)

David Faure, faure at, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (

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