Dolphin crash fix

Rafael Fernández López ereslibre at
Sun Dec 9 11:48:53 GMT 2007


Following my personal fixing marathon, I have found that Dolphin crashes when 
you close it and you had a selection.

Mainly, it is because of:

    connect(m_dirLister, SIGNAL(clear()),
            this, SLOT(updateStatusBar()));

When you trigger on the destructor "delete m_dolphinModel;", it will call the 
dirlister clear signal, what will result that you later access to memory that 
has been already deleted.

So, as usually to proceed when we have signals and slots being used with this 
kind of objects, we can use deleteLater() what will safely delete it when the 
events process runs again.

Patch attached. OK to commit ?

Rafael Fernández López

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