Emphasize locality graphically

Claes H claesatwork at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 22:17:41 BST 2007

Here is an idea that I think could enhance usability of Dolphin: Make
some part of its user interface graphically different for each
directory. This would give the subconscious a sense of location to
"grab on to". Without thinking, I believe you would easier recognize a
directory that is being displayed if it looks familiar from earlier
"visits" - make the "locality" aspect more visible.

This I think would ease browsing in several windows at once, and when
browsing certain directories many times over. With visually
distinctive features, this is faster and easier than if you have to
read the text of icons and path, I believe.

For example, the background could have a slightly different color
and/or shade. Or there could be difference in pattern in a corner. The
color or pattern could be randomly generated using the directory path
as seed. Or it could be computed from the directory depth. Or some
other algorithm.. The important features are

 - that the graphic for a directory should always look the same when returning
 - that it should be different between directories
 - that it should work for every directory

I imagine this graphic separate from its icon, although perhaps it is
possible to join somehow.

Going further, you could imagine plugins generating the graphical
part: given a directory path - return the graphic.

Does this make sense to you?

C l a e s    H o l m e r s o n

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