Suggestion for Konquerer developers and delivering "stripped" releases

Michael S. Mikowski mmikowski at
Fri Nov 10 18:57:51 GMT 2006

Hi Kimberly:

I apologize. I was wrong to flame Phillip.  I though he was the originator of 
this thread.  I have confirmed is not.  The original culprit trolled once and 
ran.  That guy is named "OnThe Road".  You can see his original post attached 
below.  I think when you read it, you may understand why I was tempted to 
flame him and my reference to narcissism, etc.

We agree very much about software development.  I /do/ work with a number of 
developers on a fairly large product.  We have instituted systematic 
black-box and unit test suites.  We use a Wiki tied to a SCMS to design, 
track, and manage projects and a knowledge base.  Developers are trained in a 
consistent coding and documenting style.  Architectural designs are made 
through specification documents with visio-style diagrams.

In other words, I think we have implemented just about everything you 
advocate.  And production bugs have plummetted.

Again, sorry about my flame.  At the very best, it was misdirected.




List:       kfm-devel
Subject:    Suggestion for Konquerer developers and delivering "stripped" 
From:       OnThe Road <vx7_response () yahoo ! com>
Date:       2006-11-05 23:11:27
Message-ID: 20061105231128.12083.qmail () web54101 ! mail ! yahoo ! com
[Download message RAW]

I don't know what you are thinking, but if you have
any hope at all of going mainstream, you need to come
up with an alternate strategy for getting debug info.

To get Konqueuer to crash, using (XUbuntu 6.06), just
go to, select the business button. That's it!
Gone...every,.. single,.. time...

Expecting a "main stream" (i.e. non-geek) user to get
source, rebuild with debug options, install, just so
they can send a backtrace is completely unrealistic.
Wake up!.. For stripped releases, you should
incorporate a "log option" that turns on the
generation of log files (yes even in a released
version, where the debug symbols have been stripped).

If you are unreasonable and unwilling to do this, at
least make a debug binary build available, that's the
least I would expect.

BTW, I have been developing C/C++ for over 20 years
and I must say that software should never crash. It
might not work correctly, but when something just
crashes, it indicates poor architecture, framework and
especially error handling (or lack there of). Have you
ever heard of exception handling? If not, I would
suggest that you read up on it (and think about
implementing it).

I realize that no one is getting paid for the open
source stuff, however, that is no excuse for shitty
software. If you are going to write software, write it
correctly, the 1st time, otherwise when will have time
to go back and fix it the second time? If you can't
write good software (or at least thoroughly test your
own software, if you are inexperienced), you have no
businees writing software at all and please stop so
that you don't give the rest of us a bad reputation.

I must say that I am extremely disappointed with the
poor quality of linux applications that have come out
in the last year or so.. The OS seems stable enough,
but the quality of the applications absolutely sucks.
I would suggest to stop trying to add features as fast
as possible and fix what's already there.

Myself, I wouldn't expose linux to my parents, as I
wouldn't want to have to explain to them why everytime
they go to cnn, their window crashes. For me right
now, paying $170 for WinXP will save me 100's of hours
that would be spent supporting a linux install for
them. Sorry, but the $170 for Win XP is a BARGAIN,
compared to "FREE" Konqueror..

Suck it up, fix your crappy code, if you want anyone
to actually use it, and not just experiment with it.

So, you are probably thinking, "why doesn't he
volunteer to fix this?" well, the reason is: I WORK
for a living, I work on this stuff 10-12 hours/day
(including weekends). I don't have time to debug other
people's shitty software. Fix your own bugs. I
generate enough of my own, that I fix. I also spend
about 35% of my dev time writing just the unit tests,
do you?

Good luck,
For now, I guess I going to try another distro that
uses something other than Konqueror.. (But I have read
that FireFox also has it's problems on linux, do I
detect a pattern here?)..

Take care, and meant what I said about poor coding, if
you aren't writing good software, please stop, you are
giving the rest of us a bad reputation....

The mutator_accessor...

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