Konqueror 4

Martin Konold martin.konold at erfrakon.de
Wed Nov 1 19:15:17 GMT 2006

Am Mittwoch, 1. November 2006 17:04 schrieb Aaron J. Seigo:

Hi Aaron,

thanks for provinging the screenshots.

> > I find Gnome bread crumbs very restrictive and annoying most of
> > the time.  And it takes up too much screen space.

How shall the bread crumb implementation deal with deeply nested structures?

> we're not implementing "Gnome bread crumbs". see the attached screenshot
> for konqi's bar

> than it really is), dolphin's url navigator and gome's bread crumbs. to me
> it's evident which is more compact, readable and elegant. 

> (this is so reminiscent of the whole usability discussion in kde back in
> the 2.2-3.0 days. the conversation would generally go something like: "we
> don't like how gnome did usability therefore usability is bad and the only
> reason you must be wanting to do this is to be like gnome." seriously.)

Sorry but this bread crumb stuff is butt ugly. 

It took me a while to figure out why I intuitivly don't like it an I actually 
found out that breadcrumbs are violating(*) the semantics og buttons. 

(*) The semantics of buttons is that their meaning is independent from their 
position withing a button bar. Only the icon determines which action is 
associated with a button. Bread crumbs on the other hand violate this and are 
therefore confusing. E.g.

Imaginge /tmp/foo/bar/tmp/foo would lead to


So you end up with two buttons labled "tmp" and two buttons labled "foo". 
Having multiple clickable buttons with identical labels is _very_ bad from a 
usability standpoint.

-- martin

Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker

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