AW: AW: AW: making fallback access keys configurable

Ivor Hewitt ivor at
Wed Mar 1 21:59:55 GMT 2006

On Wednesday 01 March 2006 17:48, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Wednesday 01 March 2006 04:19, Ivor Hewitt wrote:
> >  Perhaps we need something similar to the windows XP access keys
> >  activation? You know when you hold down Ctrl for 8 seconds and it turns
> >  on sticky keys?
> >  double ctrl-click?
> we already have this for sticky/bounce/dead/etc keys...
Do we? The automatic activation I mean? (plays with modifier keys for a bit, 
hmm, think I need to read the manual. :)

Hmm, ok I think we are talking about two slightly different things! I was 
referring to the way accesibility keys get activated, not the actual 
behaviour of the keys.

> >  For Kde4 do we need some sort accessibility keys applet that can control
> >  these enhancements centrally? Or is one planned?
> we already have one.
Ah, I know there's the control panel config, I didn't know there was an easy 
to get to applet like the windows applet.... (roots around for a bit) ok I 
can't find it.


Ivor Hewitt.

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