AW: AW: AW: AW: making fallback access keys configurable

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Mar 1 17:53:13 GMT 2006

On Wednesday 01 March 2006 08:59, Tobias Anton wrote:
> accesskeys is very inconvenient. To keep that paradigm, yet removing the
> annoyance, a possible solution could thus be:
>  - show the accesskey tooltips on Ctrl press
>  - hide accesskey tooltips on Ctrl release if any other UI event had
> occurred since the corresponding Ctrl press.
>  - otherwise, show tooltips until any key or mouse button changes status.

which would break CTRL+Key_O == open.

and having "other UI events" change the state of an explicitly requested mode 
on a user is generally very frustrating for users due to "loss of control". 
when the user says "i want $WHATEVER" the program should generally do that 
until instructed otherwise.

oddly, right now we have the opposite problem where the program is entering a 
mode when people don't want it to resulting in a similar "loss of control" 

Aaron J. Seigo
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