Legacy Konqueror compatibility in AJaX

Fredrik Johansson fredrik at mumme.se
Sat Jul 22 13:48:52 BST 2006

Hi !

Il share my experience of XHR in khtml, which starts at around 3.4
I think XHR was first included in 3.3, I may be wrong though.

When you get a response from XHR and you use cache and content isnt changed, 
the server responds with a 304 status code.
Moz and IE translates this to a 200 and from 3.4.2 or 3.4.3 khtml does that 
convertion on a async XHR, but not a sync one.
So make sure you add a 304 as a vaild response.

The UTF-8 encoding thing below appiles to a plain textfile with no charset 
info, such as a JS script.
If you are grabing js and eval that after retrieval and it contains non latin 
strings, you can hack around it by inserting a :

/* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> */

in the top of your js file. Note the javascript comment, makes it evalable.

I wrote a patch for this and send it to this list some time ago, and was 
pointed to adawit for reviewal.
Sorry to say I havent got hold of him yet (mail bounce), and I have been to 
busy at work lately so the charset and sync load patch will probably not make 
it into 3.5.4

Fredrik Johansson

lördag 22 juli 2006 01:18 skrev DiMono:
> I'm working on an AJaX implementation, and I would very much like to
> include compatibility for legacy versions of Konqueror (< 3.4). The problem
> is I lack a system that has it. As such, I need your help.
> Is there a list published anywhere of the specific Konqueror
> incompatibilities in regards to the XMLHttpRequest object?
> Is there a Konqueror emulator of some sort?
> So far there are two items I know about :
> 1)
> http://www.kde-forum.org/redir.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwiki.splitbrain.org%2Fa
>jax_pitfalls%23broken_utf-8_in_konqueror UTF-8 characters are broken in
> Konqueror < 3.5
> 2)
> http://www.kde-forum.org/redir.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdot.kde.org%2F115264596
>5%2F1152652112%2F1152654718%2F1152659321%2F Extra null byte at the end of
> every POST request
> I would really appreciate any and all help you can offer to me, I really
> want to extend backwards Konqueror compatibility in AJaX.

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