Konqueror does not show bookmarks in bookmarks toolbar

Com MN PG P E B Consultant 3 mn-pg-p-e-b-consultant-3.com at siemens.com
Wed Jan 25 10:33:37 GMT 2006

(this message was already posted on the kde list, but there was no
response to it)

I'm using Konqueror 3.1.3

The bookmarks toolbar is present, but always empty. It does not show any
of my bookmarks.

How can I activate, that the toolbars are shown?

(BTW, is it OK to attach screenshots to postings sent to this mailing
list? Then I could 
demonstrate using a screenshot what I'm talking about).

Ronald Fischer (phone +49-89-63676431)
mailto:mn-pg-p-e-b-consultant-3.com at siemens.com

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