KHTML, KJS Unfrozen -- details

George Staikos staikos at
Tue Jan 10 21:47:31 GMT 2006

KHTML and KJS (including kpac) have been merged into trunk, and are now 
unfrozen.  This completes what might be the largest safari "merge" ever.  KDE 
now uses a KJS that was nearly 100% in sync with JavaScriptCore when we 
pulled it from Apple's CVS.  It took a long time to complete the merge and 
many changes have happened in Apple's repository since then.  We will do a 
second merge, hopefully this month, to bring us closer to 100% 
synchronization.  We are meanwhile merging patches back into their repository 
as well.  I have commit access to Apple's repository and will be able to help 
facilitate such work.

Please remember, going forward, that any changes to our KJS need to be 
considered for submission to Apple's repository.  We want to get our KJS 100% 
in sync.

Will there be regressions on our side?  Quite likely.  We already know that 
the KJS CPU guard and debugger are no longer functional.  I'm confident that 
we can repair these regressions quickly and easily.  The sharing of a common 
KJS is very much worth it - and it brings us closer to sharing at least 
portions of KHTML.

There is an issue of binary compatibility, and discussions with the developers 
and users of KJS seem to come to a common conclusion, so far, that KJS will 
become a sort of private library, and that KJSEmbed will be the public 
interface going forward.  We want and need to be able to make improvements to 
KJS for the browser (and now, portability), and it's not worth limiting 
ourselves for the very few applications out there using KJS.  I know this 
situation well as one of my apps is one of the biggest users of it.

I hope to provide an update again within a month as more developments unfold.

And finally, a big thanks should go to Maksim for doing the lionshare of the 
porting work in khtml/ecma, especially after I just hacked it up with abort() 
everywhere. :-)

George Staikos
KDE Developer
Staikos Computing Services Inc.

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