reporting bugs as an ordinary user

Wolfgang Jeltsch wolfgang at
Tue Dec 26 14:08:02 GMT 2006


<> says: “Please always test the 
latest version available. For browser bugs this means the latest development 
version, which can be very different from the latest stable release.”

I’d like to point out that this is very problematic, in my opinion.  The 
average user doesn’t run a current development version but a version packaged 
by his GNU/Linux distributor.  For such a user it would be extremely 
time-consuming or impossible to download current KDE, compile it himself, 
install it parallel to his normal KDE installation, and check for a bug in 

Developers have the current development version installed.  It seems to me 
that they sometimes forget that a large amount of their users is in a totally 
different situation.  Or do the developers just don’t care for the problems 
of the majority of users as long as they get a certain amount of bug reports 
from elsewhere?

I’d be very happy if you could discuss this point with me.

Best wishes,

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