Interesting thing with DNS requests

Rigo Wenning rigo at
Sun Dec 10 21:18:45 GMT 2006

On Friday 08 December 2006 10:20, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> What is so problematic about implementing a DNS cache within KDE
> if it turns out to be a problem for soo many people setting up one
> correctly?

Here, I support Thaigo. 
It doesn't make too much sense to me to replicate the nscd functionality 
within KDE. If IPv6 is turned off, KIO had not more roundtrips than 
The issue is how to improve the DNS behavior with something else than 
caching. Thaigo said remembering last DNS requested would be ok and I 
would support that. We use round-robin DNS for load balancing and 
having one user being tied to one server would not be an issue. Fixing 
the IPv6 issue might help even more.

I think this issue needs serious discussions and not a quick hack if KDE 
wants to maintain its excellent positioning in the mobile web race. 
Caching depends on a fast client machines. This is typically not the 
case for mobile devices. nscd would not work in that context. A one 
entry remember function would. But there might be other, better 
solutions. My main aim is that you do not stop discussing the issue 
only because there is nscd and IPv6=false and it would solve it this 



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