Save as web page(full)

Thiago Macieira thiago at
Tue Apr 18 09:51:05 BST 2006

Serhiy Kachanuk wrote:
>Are those *.war files supported in other browsers?

No. They're just tar-gzip files with everything inside, so there's nothing 
stopping other browsers to use the same format.

>Is there any option to save page without putting all files in archive,
> just save all files in specified directory?

No. Your only option is Web Archives, so far.

You could try to extract the contents, though, and see where it would take 

Thiago Macieira  -  thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
  thiago.macieira (AT)     Trolltech AS
    GPG: 0x6EF45358                   |  Sandakerveien 116,
    E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C          |  NO-0402
    966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358          |  Oslo, Norway
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