Anyone working on a "portal page" blocker for Konqueror?

Juergen Pfennig info at
Fri Oct 7 19:57:53 BST 2005

Is currently anyone of you working in this direction? Is there similar work 
going on for Firefox or any other known browser?

I suggest adding a feature similar to the "pop-up" blocker to Konqueror. This 
mechanism should be able to suppress the display of portal pages that some 
internet providers have installed to enforce the delivery of advertisments. 

Most private internet users (at least in Germany) are now or in the near 
future affected by this problem (here a press release concerning some German 
providers like 1&1 and GMX: [in 
German]). The text clearly shows where they want to go and what they think 
about their customers.

The technology used by such providers is: 
 - they deviate the first http or https (!!) request after the dial up 
connection has been established to some portal page.
 - example: the user tries to open but ends up on a portal 
page that he most likely never wanted to see.
 - such portals also create problems for online-banking or remote control 
applictions (they deviate https too!!).

The proposed feature for Konqueror is: 
- add a mechanism to monitor the time passed since that last http or https 
request (can be limited to the instances of Konqueror)
- if less than a configurable time has passed since the last request: process 
any new request as usual
- else: for a new request just open a new connection, do only a "get header", 
don't read the data, drop the connection and retry the request in the normal 

This simple protocol would add very little overhead (e.g delay or traffic) 
and should be able to suppress portal page deviations for Konqueror.

Any suggestions? 


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