[PATCH] Konqueror adblock v4

Stephan Kulow coolo at kde.org
Sun May 1 08:21:03 BST 2005

On Sunday 01 May 2005 01:38, Martijn Klingens wrote:
> Also, as for describing names, if I understand the thread correct this code
> filters just ads, so why not rename d->filters to d->adFilters and
> m_filterEnabled to m_adFilterEnabled? ("filter" is quite a generic term,
> which can be confusing in bigger codebases like this.)
> Likewise, I'd call the config group "AdFilter Settings" or so.
With user given regexps, it's pretty hard to say it's only Ads.

BTW: pivoxy also blocks images that have a dimension of 10:3, which
helps a lot - but I come to feature requests later ;)
OK, one: The nicest feature of an IE adblocker I tried was that it removed the 
whole DOM node of an A element when the href was pointing to a regexpable 

Greetings, Stephan

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