SVN Bug: Konqueror: Location field is hidden but present

Joshua J. Berry kde at
Tue Jun 28 07:59:10 BST 2005

Hi list --

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to report this; if not, my
apologies.  I reported it in Bugzilla (bug #108185), and was told to send it to
the lists first.

I'm running an up-to-date SVN build of KDE.  My Konqueror location field
vanished almost a week ago, and has stayed invisible despite my efforts to bring
it back.  I normally have it sitting on the main toolbar, between the navigation
buttons and the animated logo (I hid the location toolbar).

The funny thing is, Konqueror acts like the bar is there, but hidden (or takes
up 0 pixels on the toolbar, I guess).  I can press Ctrl+L, and the input focus
switches to the field.  I can type in URLs and access them just fine.  The
completion box comes up (though not always in the right place).  I just can't
see what I'm typing because the text field is missing. ;)  I can provide a
screenshot of this if it would help.

I've tried switching widget styles, removing and adding the location field,
restarting KDE/Konqueror, etc. ... but needless to say, nothing I've done so far
has made a difference.

Thanks in advance for your help.

-- Josh

(When replying, please CC me directly, since I'm not subscribed to the list.

Joshua J. Berry

"I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere."
    -- /usr/games/fortune
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