Getting the document from the cache

Andras Mantia amantia at
Sun Jan 30 21:39:13 GMT 2005

David Faure wrote:

> Why does the method return a QString anyway? 

Because we were talking about a method returning the source as a string
(John even mentioned QString) and because it looks more user friendly to
the (end) user. A QTextStream::setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8) is
missing after QTextStream stream( &f ), though. This combination seems to
work, at least since I started to use for text stream, I didn't get any new
complain about Quanta messing up the documents written in non-English.

> There are encoding problems 
> AFAICS, it should return a QCString or QByteArray. And then the stream can
> be created on the array itself directly, no?

Do you mean something like this (untested)?

QByteArray KHTMLPart::documentSource() const
  QByteArray sourceArray;
  if ( !( m_url.isLocalFile() ) &&
KHTMLPageCache::self()->isComplete( d->m_cacheId ) )
    QDataStream stream( sourceArray, IO_WriteOnly );
    KHTMLPageCache::self()->saveData(d->m_cacheId, &stream);
  } else
    QString tmpFile;
    if( KIO::NetAccess::download( m_url, tmpFile, NULL ) )
      QFile f( tmpFile );
      if ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
        sourceArray = f.readAll();
      KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( tmpFile );

  return sourceArray;

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