A question about the root certificates

Varga Viktor varga_v at netlock.net
Wed Jan 5 13:49:07 GMT 2005

I read trough the development mailing list, but I did'n find how can I
submit a root CA to you, if  a company would like appears as default CA
in the Konqueror.
Is there any way? Our company is the only CA which is in the IE.
Whit who should I talk?
Best regards, 
Viktor Varga

On Thursday 22 July 2004 17:01, Martin Konold wrote:
> >    I think the best we can do is try to ride off the other browsers.
> The certificate in question is part of IE 6.

  What helps speed things along, generally, is to send me the root 
certificates (one of the roots I have basically "accepted" but I just
find their certificates anywhere so they don't go in), and tell me who 
already ships it, how I can prove it to myself, and then give me some
I need to investigate, compare the signatures on the certificates, merge
into our database, and test (preferably with sample sites that use 
certificates signed by that CA).

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