[patch] to bug 82243 (not 88243)

Paul Temple paul.temple at gmx.net
Mon Feb 14 21:13:12 GMT 2005

Stephan Binner wrote:
> On Monday 14 February 2005 17:38, Germain Garand wrote:
> > >   i'm hitting this all over the place too.
> >
> > should be fixed by now.
> It's not fixed. Try http://linuxtoday.com, or
> http://distrowatch.com.

Shouldn't we better move the "close" fix back into ecma/ ? Then 
we would get that js bug fixed for 3.4 without affecting the 
rest of khtml, as it seems to cause trouble now (though I don't 
know if Stephan's bug is caused by that change).
And the whole close / closeRenderer code should be rewritten 
anyway (as many comments in the code suggest), so why bother 
changing all that code when the whole thing (and therefore all 
the code we add/change now) is to be changed anyway?

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