[patch] to bug 88243

Koos Vriezen koos.vriezen at xs4all.nl
Fri Feb 11 17:11:56 GMT 2005

On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 06:11:05PM +0100, Leo Savernik wrote:
> Am Freitag, 11. Februar 2005 17:43 schrieb Koos Vriezen:
> > Can you elaborate on this (note me asking this again)?
> Yes.


> The parser doesn't make use of any dom interface methods made for export. So 
> there's no slowdown/breakage to be expected.
> > So what's your reasoning, eg. why not moving the code to dom/* or leave
> > it as-is?


> magically work in ecma script, but not in C++ (and any other language that 
> binds to the C++ dom interface).

Yes, I thought you would say that, but why move to xml/* and not dom/* ?



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