[patch] to bug 88243

Paul Temple paul.temple at gmx.net
Thu Feb 10 22:13:26 GMT 2005

After spending many hours getting familiar with khtml - I really 
miss eclipse/java, I would have been able to do the same I did 
with kdevelop/c++ in one hour instead of 30, I guess :( - I dare 
to send a patch... Thanks for all the help in this list.

I think, the check
  if (!myNode->handle()->closed())
is not necessary, as nodes that are created via ecma/dom 
(document.createElement(..)) are never closed by khtml

I did not run testregression as it does not work for me. But I 
think this patch is almost "keyhole surgery" and don't expect 
problems out of it, in contrary to my first proposal - which was 
the reason I didn't send a patch at that time... But I still 
don't know khtml enough to be sure about that.

Any objections?
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