cssRules / ID selectors

Leo Savernik l.savernik at aon.at
Thu Feb 10 16:02:11 GMT 2005

Am Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2005 02:02 schrieb Paul Temple:
> Paul Temple wrote:
> > When using an ID selector that starts with a '#' like this
> >   #helloWorld { ... }
> Remark: When using ID selectors _not_ starting with a '#' like
> this:
>   h1#helloWorld { ... }
> then "document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[j].selectorText" returns
>   h1[id"helloWord"]
> (But the "WARNING: Unhandled case ..." is displayed here, too)

Because it's exactly that, unhandled. Note that there's no assignment between 
the attribute and the value -> illegal CSS -> bug -> should be fixed -> will 
change in the future.

Will you come up with a patch?

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