cssRules / ID selectors

Paul Temple paul.temple at gmx.net
Thu Feb 10 00:39:38 GMT 2005

In konqueror (and other browsers) you can get access to an CSS 
selector text from JS by using

When using an ID selector that starts with a '#' like this
  #helloWorld { ... }
the property "document.styleSheets[i].cssRules[j].selectorText" 

However, in an earlier version konqueror returned

And IE and NS browsers return the plain

I should note that the following warning message (defined in 
css_base.cpp) is displayed for every ID selectors:
WARNING: Unhandled case in CSSStyleRuleImpl::selectorText : 

Now my questions: Why and when did that change and is it likely 
to change again in the future? (A web designer wants to rely on 
this... as he can with the other browsers)

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