Patch: Using kpart's KJS::Interpreter (was Re: XML, XSL, XSLT, XPath support?)

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at
Wed Apr 13 10:17:16 BST 2005

<zitiere wer="Koos Vriezen">
> Can you elaborate on this, eg suppose a kate object is embedded in khtml
> and it has the globalObject of kate. In html, the path to this object is
> 'document.applets[0]'. Now what would it take to call the 'setText'
> function, ie. in 'document.applets[0].XXXX.setText("foo")' what is XXX?
XXX = document, but that won't work, as the document doesn't know to which
doc it points at this time, and there might even be no js interpreter at
as it is only generated at first use, if any, this means, in normal case
not at all, really, kate part's js isn't supposed to be accessible like
this :)

Christoph Cullmann
KDE Developer, Maintainance Team, cullmann at

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