XPath [was: Re: XML, XSL, XSLT, XPath support?]

Frans Englich frans.englich at telia.com
Thu Apr 7 17:32:29 BST 2005

Well, there is one area which /I/ think is reasonable to consider for 
khtml/current-dom integration: XPath.

I haven't looked at the code so its condition and completeness is to me 
undefined(well, somewhere around beta), but it nevertheless compiles fine 
against HEAD, and khtml has traversal/range which currently isn't ported to 
KDOM. But I am nevertheless skeptical, because, while it may be relatively 
easy, I don't see much of a gain.

AFAICT, XPath is relevant in two ways: 1) As functionality available via a W3C 
DOM interface for ECMAScripts in KHTML; and 2) As helper technology for XML 
technologies(and those are/will be KDOM based, and in turn be used by 

First of all, there exists no stable DOM interface for XPath. A year ago a 
draft was released which stepped down from Last Call status. According to 
Philippe Le Hegaret, W3C's DOM Activity Lead, its completition will now be 
pushed by the SVG working group. Robin Berjon, I think on the SVG WG, says it 
will be completed  sometime after SVG Tiny 1.2 is finished, and likely with 
changes compared to currrent draft(perhaps support for extension functions). 
So, from a interopability perspective, we would be pushing a 
non-recommendation XPath-something in KHTML. I don't think that's a good 

The second use is as helper technology, and that only applies for KDOM.

That's why I like fleshing in KDOM. There's no stability constraints or BC 
concerns. No sad reality. There's developer freedom, things can take the time 
it needs, and be done in the Right Way.



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