Announcement: An open source release of Linux/Gtk+ -version of Apple WebCore

Leo Savernik l.savernik at
Wed Oct 20 16:58:53 BST 2004

Am Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2004 12:49 schrieb Petri Salmi:
> An open source release of Linux/Gtk+ port of WebCore/KHTML rendering
> engine and reference browser from Gtk+ WebCore -project.

D'oh. Now there's a gnome version of WebCore before there existed a KDE 
version ;-)
> Project work is done at Nokia Research Center as part of ongoing
> internet browser-related research activities. By releasing the source we
> hope to support open source communities interested in using KHTML
> rendering engine component.

Great piece of work! 
> We are interested in feedback of other developers. If you find our
> project interesting and are considering testing out, using or extending
> it, feel free to contact us.

What would also be needed is a kpartized version of WebCore (that does not 
depend on gtk, but Qt, and can be used as a drop-in replacement for khtml). 
Any chance that Nokia will be researching on that subject, too?
>     * Petri Salmi      petri.salmi at
>     * Kimmo Kinnunen   kimmo.t.kinnunen at
> Kind regards on behalf of NRC Open Source Browser -team,

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