XUL support in Konqueror/KHTML.

Paul Sprakes pauls at sprakes.co.uk
Mon Nov 22 16:42:16 GMT 2004

On Monday 22 Nov 2004 15:30, George Staikos wrote:
> On Thursday 18 November 2004 13:36, Paul Sprakes wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to try and add xul support to Konqueror and after looking around
> > khtml source I think I have a good idea for progressing with it.
>    You mean you want to add it into KHTML itself?

Yes, but I suppose the main intention is a plugin system so that such things 
can be added to khtml without touching khtml's source code.

> [...]
> > Obviously the next step is to actually create a plugin xul implementation
> > and possibly others (xaml?)
> >
> > So, is it doable? And if so anyone want to help flesh out the design?
> >
> > P.S. It was pointed out to me on #kde-devel that kaxul exists in
> > kdenonbeta (must explore that module more). I'm going to look into it and
> > see what its capabilities are. Coincidentally, my first thought was to
> > create a xul app/kpart and call it kaxul. But eventually came to the
> > conclusion that khtml already supports most of the functionality
> > (javascript, embedded html etc) and would be easier to implement that
> > way.
>    I wrote most of that code.  The idea is that XUL can be implemented with
> native widgets as opposed to rendering.  It's much faster and more
> aesthetically pleasing I think.

Still not had the time to look at it yet other than a cursory glance. Would I 
be correct in assuming it converts xul into Qt's ui fomat? 

It's all down to tradeoffs I suppose. From the readme Kaxul has some js 
support, no css support and I'm not sure about embedded html support whilst 
khtml has the above but no xul. And neither handle namespaces.

Thanks, Paul.

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