CSS3 box-sizing property (resend with smaller patch).

Germain Garand germain at ebooksfrance.org
Fri Nov 5 02:14:34 GMT 2004

Le Vendredi 05 Novembre 2004 01:39, David Faure a écrit :
> > Personally, I wouldn't mind testing that in CVS when KDE4 begins.
> To be clear this isn't about dropping document.all, it's about hiding it.
> So if(document.all) would say false, but document.all["foo"] would work.
> But coolo might be right - too many sites might give nothing good when
> neither document.all nor document.layers exist.

Mozilla/Firefox and Safari are doing well without any of those though.
And Opera doesn't implement Navigator extensions.
I guess it's all about chosing a side so that you don't fail in between... ;(


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