Question: time-scale of impl. CSS/XSLT client side

Zack Rusin zack at
Wed Nov 3 16:55:45 GMT 2004

On Wednesday 03 November 2004 10:24, Nikolas Zimmermann wrote:
> Hey Zack,


> you plan to implement XSLT on your own? Or libxslt based? 

I don't want it libxslt based. I'm not too keen on having XML parsed 
into two doms (khtml one and libxml2 one), I want all operations on one 
DOM tree. This is essentially what xpath from kdenonbeta gives us. 
What's probably going to happen is that I'll take a week off work 
sometime in December and implement it.

> Will it live inside khtml or do you plan to take kdom into any
> account?

There are two very distinct problems here.
1) the khtml's depedency on the view,
2) the need for webservices framework in KDE.

Using khtml with webservices as it stands would be a rather tedious 
task. But sooner or later we'll need xpath/xslt in khtml creating the 
basis for webservices in khtml.

There are multiple solutions here, from fixing khtml dom interfaces and 
separating it from the view, through having two dom implementations in 
kdelibs - kdom and khtml dom, where the first would be used for 
webservices and the other for rendering, to switching khtml to kdom.

I'm really not sure what would be the best solution. Right now I'm 
leaning towards khtml with kdom, but preserving the rendering tree 
almost untouched and just switching the underlaying dom implementation 
might not feasible. I guess one of the biggest questions is how many 
people would like to see it happen, since this is something that just 
needs dedicated people who would be working on it.


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