[PATCH] GUI for hover close button option

Thomas McGuire thomasmg at web.de
Fri May 14 08:51:39 BST 2004

> I personally would like the close button to be shown without a
> delay.  I'm not  suggesting that this be implemented, but it's 
> just what I would find most useful. The argument for the delay is 
> that someone might "accidently" click the favicon and close the 
> tab, but those people probably would not enable  
> one-click closing now would they?
This delay is IMHO way to short (same as doubleclick interval) to 
work properly. It just annoys me because I have to wait some time 
when I want to close a tab. But that's just my opinion.

> Yes, turning into close buttons immediately on hover would be
> great.
That is what my patch currently does. I am waiting for some 
responses on kde-useability on this topic to see what they say.


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