Invalid bug???

Germain Garand germain at
Sat Jul 31 10:47:47 BST 2004

Le Vendredi 30 Juillet 2004 23:53, Mikolaj Machowski a écrit :
> Dnia piątek, 30 lipca 2004 20:43, Mikolaj Machowski napisał:
> > Why putting all these divs in one row is considered proper????
> >
> >
> Sorry. My fault (but still unlogical for IMO).

it's not illogical. Floats are taken _out_ of the current flow ; the only 
thing that stop them from overflowing is the current block formatting 

So for your div to act as a limitting container for it's inner floats, it 
would have to establish a new block formatting context (e.g by setting 
overflow: auto). See CSS spec chapter 9.


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