[Patch] Fix keyboard navigation (tabbing out of a textarea)

Mikolaj Machowski mikmach at wp.pl
Tue Jul 13 16:42:33 BST 2004

Dnia wtorek, 13 lipca 2004 02:36, bj at altern.org napisaƂ:
> On Monday 12 July 2004 16.31, Tobias Anton wrote:
> > Great! Can we extend this to wheel events, too? (They get swallowed by
> > the text area even if it is already at the top/bottom of the editable
> > area.)
> Well, wheel events are only swallowed if the textarea is focused. I
> don't see the point of having to use a context menu when you just need
> to focus in /out to have the wheel action react in textarea/global view.
> Maybe I missed something...
When you are at it...

I am finding one behaviour absolutely horrible. When I am scrolling page 
contnously (one move) and cursor will be over scrollable textarea, this 
textarea will swallow scrolling. Very disctracting :/ Could it be done, 
scrollable textarea swallows scroll only when this is started on it?

What other think?


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