[Patch] Fix keyboard navigation (tabbing out of a textarea)

Tobias Anton TA at ESC-Electronics.de
Mon Jul 12 17:31:01 BST 2004

On Montag, 12. Juli 2004 17:02, bj at altern.org wrote:

> If you toggle the "allow tabulations" feature, pressing tab in the textarea
> will insert a tabulation.
> This patch fixes #58247. Is it ok for you ?

Great! Can we extend this to wheel events, too? (They get swallowed by the 
text area even if it is already at the top/bottom of the editable area.)

BTW, Shift+Tab should move the focus back to the previous focusable element 
regardless of this setting.

And this code:

+	    QApplication::sendEvent( parent(), ke );
+	    return true;

would better be written like this:

+         return QWidget::event(ke);

This is better with respect to event filtering, focus proxy mechanisms and 
possible future implementation changes.

-- Tobias

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