[PATCH] Last version of the "fix label form focus" (59489)

bj at altern.org bj at altern.org
Tue Jul 6 13:58:07 BST 2004

> If a label does not have a "for" attribute and does not contain child
> elements, shouldn't it activate the nearest following input element in
> document order?
That's what I initially did for the patch, but the problem is that the label 
can be placed before or after the corresponding input. For example, a poll 
can have the radio input buttons on the right or on the left of the text 
labels. So if we activate the nearest following input, we could end up 
activating next line's input which would be completely wrong.

Let's hope that if more browser support the label form focus, webmasters will 
become more careful with the <label> tag.

By the way, shall I get somebody else's approval before committing my patch ?


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