Feature Request - Move and Copy Options

morpheus morpheus at post.harvard.edu
Tue Jul 6 04:33:25 BST 2004

When dragging and dropping a file, konqueror gives the option to move or
copy.  When copying, if there is a file already existing in the
destination directory with the same name, konqueror gives a very
detailed dialog box comparing the full paths, file names, sizes and
modification dates of the files.  It also allows a lot of options for
action, including: Rename, Skip, Auto Skip, Overwrite, Overwrite All or
Cancel.  These are very useful.

First Request: The user should be able to set up the criteria for Auto
Skip, i.e. Auto Skip when the destination file is newer, or bigger, etc.

Second Request: For some reason, these options do not appear when MOVING
files, only when COPYING.  The interface and options should be the same
for moving and copying files.

James F. Ryan
morpheus at post.harvard.edu

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