KDE_3_2_BRANCH: kdelibs/khtml [POSSIBLY UNSAFE]

Germain Garand germain at ebooksfrance.org
Mon Jan 26 18:53:33 GMT 2004

Le Lundi 26 Janvier 2004 17:40, Koos Vriezen a écrit :
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 05:44:11PM +0000, Germain Garand wrote:
> > What would you think about the attached turnaround?
> > Seems to work fine here, and also for textareas
> Please test this for plugins as well, or use the __khtml for name() check.

this is an initial resize, before the widget is first 
layouted/positionned/resized, so how is that a problem?

but yes, if it's safer, it could use

+     if (!strcmp(m_widget->name(), "__khtml"))
+                m_widget->resize(0,0);

>> Seems to work fine here, and also for textareas

Anyway, I spoke too fast, text areas do have artifacts on resize indeed

Dirk, your patch works fine in BRANCH for me...
don't know why it didn't work on HEAD, the only thing I can see is I've got 
the Arena allocation disabled.

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