khtml::cache crash

David Faure faure at
Tue Jan 13 14:19:18 GMT 2004

It seems the cache objects can be in both a QDict (called "cache")
and a QPtrList (called "freeList")? Sounds bad, when both are set to autodelete.

* Enable tabbed browsing
* KDE_FULL_SESSION= konqueror
 (the env. var. is to ensure it doesn't stay preloaded)
* Right click the logo on top, choose "View Image (kde_logo.jpg)"
It opens in khtmlimage (in a new tab).
* Close window, [confirm], -> crash

==19976== Invalid read of size 4
==19976==    at 0x4AE10CDB: QPtrList<khtml::CachedObject>::deleteItem(void*) (qptrlist.h:150)
==19976==    by 0x41266632: QGList::clear() (qglist.cpp:701)
==19976==    by 0x4AE0FFF7: QPtrList<khtml::CachedObject>::clear() (qptrlist.h:93)
==19976==    by 0x4AE108AF: QPtrList<khtml::CachedObject>::~QPtrList() (qptrlist.h:70)
==19976==    by 0x4AE0D462: khtml::Cache::clear() (loader.cpp:1326)
==19976==    by 0x4AD1B653: KHTMLFactory::~KHTMLFactory() (khtml_factory.cpp:97)
==19976==    by 0x4AD1B7B3: KHTMLFactory::deref() (khtml_factory.cpp:136)
==19976==    by 0x4AD1B65A: KHTMLFactory::~KHTMLFactory() (khtml_factory.cpp:100)
==19976==    by 0x40B4AB8C: KLibrary::~KLibrary() (klibloader.cpp:141)
==19976==    by 0x40B4C809: KLibLoader::close_pending(KLibWrapPrivate*) (klibloader.cpp:521)
==19976==    by 0x40B4BC96: KLibLoader::~KLibLoader() (klibloader.cpp:338)
==19976==    by 0x40B4B5CA: KLibLoader::cleanUp() (klibloader.cpp:308)
==19976==    by 0x40AAC094: KApplication::~KApplication() (kapplication.cpp:1478)
==19976==    by 0x40272F93: kdemain (in /usr/local/kde/lib/
==19976==    by 0x80486E6: main (in /usr/local/kde/bin/konqueror)
==19976==    by 0x418077F6: __libc_start_main (in /lib/i686/
==19976==    by 0x8048630: (within /usr/local/kde/bin/konqueror)
==19976==    Address 0x4AA24D04 is 40 bytes inside a block of size 164 free'd
==19976==    at 0x400270D3: __builtin_delete (vg_replace_malloc.c:244)
==19976==    by 0x400270F1: operator delete(void*) (vg_replace_malloc.c:253)
==19976==    by 0x4AE09994: khtml::CachedImage::~CachedImage() (loader.cpp:516)
==19976==    by 0x4AE10B90: QDict<khtml::CachedObject>::deleteItem(void*) (qdict.h:97)
==19976==    by 0x41264121: QGDict::clear() (qgdict.cpp:787)
==19976==    by 0x4AE10A83: QDict<khtml::CachedObject>::clear() (qdict.h:75)
==19976==    by 0x4AE107F7: QDict<khtml::CachedObject>::~QDict() (qdict.h:57)
==19976==    by 0x4AE0D354: khtml::Cache::clear() (loader.cpp:1321)
==19976==    by 0x4AD1B653: KHTMLFactory::~KHTMLFactory() (khtml_factory.cpp:97)
==19976==    by 0x4AD1B7B3: KHTMLFactory::deref() (khtml_factory.cpp:136)
==19976==    by 0x4AD1B65A: KHTMLFactory::~KHTMLFactory() (khtml_factory.cpp:100)
==19976==    by 0x40B4AB8C: KLibrary::~KLibrary() (klibloader.cpp:141)
==19976==    by 0x40B4C809: KLibLoader::close_pending(KLibWrapPrivate*) (klibloader.cpp:521)
==19976==    by 0x40B4BC96: KLibLoader::~KLibLoader() (klibloader.cpp:338)
==19976==    by 0x40B4B5CA: KLibLoader::cleanUp() (klibloader.cpp:308)
==19976==    by 0x40AAC094: KApplication::~KApplication() (kapplication.cpp:1478)
==19976==    by 0x40272F93: kdemain (in /usr/local/kde/lib/
==19976==    by 0x80486E6: main (in /usr/local/kde/bin/konqueror)
==19976==    by 0x418077F6: __libc_start_main (in /lib/i686/
==19976==    by 0x8048630: (within /usr/local/kde/bin/konqueror)

The part above khtml::Cache::clear() is common. It's inside clear() that
objects are getting deleted twice.

The strange thing is that it doesn't happen if I pass both urls on the command
line (to get both tabs immediately), and it doesn't happen on my other machine (??).
Race condition?

David FAURE, faure at, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (, and KOffice (

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