Konqueror as a webdav client?

Hamish Rodda rodda at kde.org
Wed Jan 7 04:18:06 GMT 2004

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On Monday 05 January 2004 11:24 pm, Peter Gostelow wrote:
> On 03 January 2004 12:56, Rigo Wenning wrote:
> > Just did that internally and got the following answer
> > from Dan Connolly:
> <snip>
> > 				        http://www.w3.org/1999/04/Editing/
> >
> > I could take or leave WebDAV per se, but the parts of HTTP that are
> > useful for collaborative editing are often referred to as
> > WebDAV.
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> Yes, it does and I'd like to discuss this if I get that far:)
> I've done a once through on kio, kioslave, parts of dcop and khtml source.
> I'd like to know what mailing list/people I could send a proposal to, for
> comments and feedback. This is a draft and mainly deals with implementing
> protocols in KDE generally, with some emphasis on WebDAV itself.

I wrote most of the webdav support for KDE and started the deltav work, and 
I've actually got internet access again, so I'm around to answer questions 
now if you like.

See the file kdenonbeta/deltav/kversion.txt for some more technical thoughts 
on how versioning (which is the issue here if I understand correctly) could 
be integrated into kde globally.

I believe this will be quite an involved and difficult thing to do though, and 
definitely 4.0 material.  It's not currently a priority on my "things I'd 
like to do for KDE" list though, unfortunately.

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