[PATCH] support selecting xmlui file in konqy profile

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Tue Jan 6 02:38:14 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 05 January 2004 07:41, George Staikos wrote:
> I just don't have enough free time right now to write more than 5 email in
> an evening about the existence of a single toolbar button.

heh... that's cool.. reply at your convenience. i'm not going anywhere =)

and this has actually evolved beyond a discussion regarding the existence of a 
single toolbar button. this is a conversation that is going to become more 
rather than less common, until a consensus is arrived at as to the usage of 
toolbars. since this is a rather important change to the status quo, and 
since i'm one of those advocating that change, i feel somewhat responsible to 
be as lucid and clear as possible on the topic .... 

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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