[PATCH] Re: CTRL+Key_Plus and CTRL+Key_Minus as zoom

Simon Perreault nomis80 at nomis80.org
Thu Jan 1 18:59:06 GMT 2004

On January 1, 2004 14:01, Leo Savernik wrote:
> The patch breaks Ctrl++ for the plus on the numeric keypad. Do you have any
> idea why?

I just noticed something: when the shortcut is set using setShortcut(), it 
does not become the default shortcut. When I press the Default button in the 
shortcut configuration dialog, both shortcuts default to None. The only way 
to set a shortcut as default seems to be to include it in the constructor. 
Maybe the problem stems from that?

Setting the shortcut in the constructor would require changing the signature 
of some functions and I don't really want to touch that unless it's required.

Simon Perreault <nomis80 at nomis80.org> -- http://nomis80.org

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