Writing plugins for konqueror

Richard Taylor r.taylor at eris.qinetiq.com
Tue Dec 7 13:34:33 GMT 2004


Before I embark on reading the source code...

I want to write a pluging to konqueror that will generate dashboard clue 

The plugin needs to be notified when a new web page is loaded, grab the 
contents of the page, build an XML document fragement and send the XML to a 
local socket.

I know how to do all the XML and socket stuff but I was wondering if anyone 
can give me some directions on how to plugin to konqueror.

I started with the intention of copying an existing plugin but the existing 
konqueror plugins are either meant for displaying new file types or require 
the user to explicitly choose a menu option (e.g. speech plugin). I need 
automatic notification of a web page display event.



B009 Woodward Building
St. Andrews Road
Worcs WR14 3PS
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