Fwd: khtml rendering performance

Allan Sandfeld Jensen kde at carewolf.com
Fri Dec 3 15:43:53 GMT 2004

On Friday 03 December 2004 16:28, Germain Garand wrote:
> mmh... I'm not yet convinced it would be a good thing.
> WebCore is doing it the complicated way and in some respects, incorrectly
> IMO.
> It uses to store repaint rectangles and the associated objects in the view
> itself, which is awkward and can be wrong.
> e.g. by the time it calculates the repaint rectangles, the layout isn't
> finished, so there's really nothing to guarantee that the stored rectangles
> are final (the object could very well clear a float, and thus be shifted by
> its parent, so the rectangle would become bogus).
> So, I'd rather propose a simpler implementation, that does not try to be
> too clever (see attached), letting the Canvas handle the dirtying of it's
> children, and not trying to store any rectangle.
> That makes the intermittent CPU hogging go down from 100% to 10% on
>    http://www.virginradio.co.uk/thestation/listen/streams.html
> and about 38% on
>    http://www.dnevnik.bg/ which has other fancy stuff
> What do you think?
It sounds great if we can do it this simple.

But try www.tomshardware.com. There is a statusbar at the top of the screen 
that usually chases the top end of the viewport (can especially be seen when 
you scroll up), but with your patch it is not rendered realiably anymore 
after scrolls.


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