text selection consistency

Dirk Mueller mueller at kde.org
Thu Sep 25 20:25:58 BST 2003

On Thursday 25 September 2003 04:12, Leo Savernik wrote:

> Khtml indicates a selection by using the foreground color as the background
> and using an inverted foreground color. For consistency reasons I think
> khtml should adhere to the global settings, too. 

What do you do for those webpages where the regular text color and regular 
background color looks like those KDE global settings?

> Another thing I noticed is that selected lines have small gaps between the
> lines, even with default styles. No other browser I tried exhibits the same
> behaviour, not even QTextEditor, therefore it can't be a Qt issue. Would
> anybody object if I closed the gaps?

This is a small bug, which was so far not easily fixable as we had no inline 
boxes, aka we didn't know the total height of the line. 

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